Nor’easter Update: Trees Down? Here are the facts from Levitt-Fuirst
If You Have Fallen Trees On Your Property,
Here Is How Your Homeowners Insurance Is Designed to Respond

If trees falls and does not damage property (e.g. the home, fence, etc.), there is no coverage for the removal. (The insurance company bases premium on the cost to insure your home, NOT how many trees you have or the acreage of your lot.)
When a tree falls onto your neighbor’s property as a result of nature (i.e. an “Act of God”), and not your negligence, removal of the tree and resulting damage is typically the responsibility of the owner of the property where the tree lands. Sometimes, to remain good neighbors, both parties split the costs.
Please contact us with any questions on this, or any other coverage or claims topic, or visit our Claims page for more information.