Every insurance policy contains various terms and conditions including an insured’s Duties in the Event of a Claim. Please familiarize yourself with these responsibilities. In the unfortunate event that you suffer a claim, please see to your safety first and then fully document your damages to prove your loss to the insurance carrier. The following guidelines should be helpful.
Home or Business Claims:
- Take pictures or video of all damage, if possible.
- Try to preserve all damaged property and contents until it can be inspected and inventoried by the carrier’s claim adjuster. If you must discard items, take pictures and make a list before disposing.
- Do all you can to stop or reduce further damage from the initial incident.
- Contact our claims department if possible, or your insurance carrier directly, when you are safely able to.
- You do not have to wait to contact us, or to be seen by a claims adjuster, to start your temporary / emergency repairs; though you should take pictures before repairs are done, and obtain detailed quotes and keep invoices for all repair work performed.
- While you await an adjuster, obtaining detailed contractor quotes for non-emergency/permanent repairs may help expedite the process.
Auto Accidents / Claims:
- Don’t sign any documents, unless presented by the police, our office, or your insurance carrier.
- Get names, license plates, auto insurance information, and witness contact information.
- Do not accept fault, let the police and insurance carriers discern fault from the facts.
- Contact our claims department, or your insurance carrier directly, as soon as possible.
- Report any injury or emergency medical care immediately to comply with state no- fault regulations
Levitt-Fuirst Claim Department Contacts:
- General Claims Email: claims@levittfuirst.com
- Pam Cerny: 914-457-4262 (Phone/Fax), pcerny@levittfuirst.com
- Manny Arifakis: 914-457-4228 (Phone/Fax), marifakis@levittfuirst.com
- Miguel Tejada: 914-457-4269 (Phone/Fax), mtejada@levittfuirst.com
- Barbara Chadwick: 914-457-4209 (Phone/Fax), bchadwick@levittfuirst.com
- After Hours 24/7 Emergency Levitt-Fuirst Phone Number 866-504-8264
Government Contacts
- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency): 800-621-3362/ www.fema.gov
- National Flood Insurance Program: 800-427-4661 / www.fema.gov/nfip-file-your-claim
Insurance Carrier Claim Contacts
If you wish to submit a claim directly, you may call your insurance carrier’s claims department using the numbers listed below. If possible, have your policy number available when you call.
- ACE (including ACE Private Risk Services): 800-945-7461 / Fax: 800-678-9847 / https://chubb.com
- Adirondack/National General/American Bankers: 877-558-4625
- Adirondack/National General/American Bankers Flood: 877-254-6819
- AIG: 888-760-9195/ Fax: 866-858-1472
- Berkley One: 855-663-8551
- Chubb: 800-252-4670 / Fax: 800-300-2538
- All New Claims: cscfnol@chubb.com
- Email-Property Claims: ecsc.property.claims@chubb.com
- Email-Liability Claims: ecsc.casualty.claims@chubb.com
- Email-Auto Claims: ecsc.auto.claims@chubb.com
- Cincinnati Insurance: 877-242-2544 / Claimsmaindesk@cinfin.com / www.cinfin.com/claims
- Fireman’s Fund: 888-347-3428
- GMAC: 800-468-3466
- GNY, NY: 212-683-9700 / Fax: 212-532-8018 / Main/After Hours: 800-522-5504
- propertyclaims@gny.com ; liabclaimsny@gny.com
- Visit www.gny.com to get phone numbers for states other than New York
- Hanover: 800-628-0250 / Fax: 800-955-7668 / firstreport@hanover.com
- Harleysville / Nationwide / Scottsdale: 800-892-8877 / Fax: 800-441-4118 / fnol@nationwide.com / www.nationwide.com/harleysville-insurance.jsp
- Hartford – Personal: 800-243-5860 / www.thehartford.com
- Hartford – Commercial: 800-327-3636 / Fax: 800-347-8197 / lossconnect@thehartford.com /
www.thehartford.com - Hartford Flood: 800-787-5677
- Liberty Mutual, CL Claims: 800-362-0000 / www.libertymutual.com
- Main St. American/ National Grange: 877-425-2467/ FAX: 877-282-3844 / fnol@msagroup.com / www.msagroup.com/claims
- Philadelphia Ins. Co.: 800-765-9749 / FAX: 800-685-9238 / After Hours Claims- 24/7: 800-765-9749 #3 / claimsreport@phlyins.com / www.phly.com/home/index.aspx
- Progressive: 800-776-4737 / www.progressive.com/claims/
- Pure: 888-813-7873
- Selective: 866-455-9969 / Fax: 877-352-6541 / www.selective.com/info-center/claim-center
- Selective Flood: 877-348-0552 / floodclaims@selective.com / www.selective.com/info-center/claim-center
- Travelers – Personal: 800-252-4633 / www.travelers.com/claims/report-claim/index
- Travelers – Commercial: 800-238-6225 / www.travelers.com/claims/report-claim/index
- Utica National: 800-216-1420 / Fax: 888-538-2018 / claimsnewreport@uticanational.com /
Restoration and Repair Companies
In addition to reporting a claim, there are firms that specialize in large scale damage cleanup and repair, and can assist you should you have an extreme event in your home. Contact these companies, if warranted, to attempt to stem further damage or begin clean-up, in extreme cases.
- 911 Restoration: 888-243-6653 / 914-847-0340 / Website: www.911restoration.com
- All Pro Restoration: 800-352-7886 / 914-592-2849 / www.allprorestioarion.com / Tom@allprorestoration.com
- Belfor Property Restoration: 914-798-1440 / 877-881-3030 / Website: www.belforusa.com
- Boerman Cleaning & Restoration: 844-269-3762 / 914-826-7880 / www.bowerman.us.com
- Maxons Restoration: 800-473-7669 / Website: www.maxons.com
- Servpro of Scarsdale/Mt. Vernon: 914-699-5181 / Fax: 914-699-5183 / tburrows@servprosmv.com
- TERS (Total Environmental Restoration Solutions, Inc.): 877-777-3117 or 845-623-3221/ www.ters.com
Additional Services
- Steven Gutenplan, Public Adjuster: 516-352-1400 / Fax: 516-352-2111 / Website: www.adjustmentgroup.com /
sgutenplan@adjustmentgroup.com - Safelite Auto Glass: 800-800-2727 / www.safelite.com
We at Levitt-Fuirst are committed to protecting your home, auto, and business; but we realize protecting your family comes first. Please take every precaution during an accident or damage situation, and we will help you sort out the repairs once everyone is safe.
Please note that a standard Homeowners Insurance Policy will not extend to flood damage.
Flood Insurance Policy
is required to protect your home from flood water damage (if you do not have a flood insurance policy, you cannot obtain one at this point, without a 30-day wait period, unless required sooner in conjunction with a mortgage closing).
If you have a question about your insurance coverage, please contact your Levitt-Fuirst representative directly. If you are unsure who your representative is, call our main number 914-457-4200 for assistance.